The Effect of Reaction Rate on the Pre-supernovae Core Structure and Nucleosynthesis

报告题目      The Effect of Reaction Rate on the Pre-supernovae Core Structure and Nucleosynthesis

报告人          辛文宇 博士

报告人单位  北京师范大学

报告语言      中

报告时间      2023年10月25日(星期三)上午10:00-11:30

报告地点      1号楼412会议室



The gravitational-wave (GW) signal GW190521 detected by LIGO/Virgo seems to originate from a merger of binary BHs between 60-90 solar masses and the probability that at least one of them falls in the BH mass-gap due to pair-instability supernovae is 99.0%, which challenged the stellar evolution theory and motivated many attempts to examine the effects of uncertainties involved in the stellar evolution. In this talk, we focus on how the 12C( , )16O reaction rate affects the evolution of massive stars with the initial masses of M (ZAMS) = 13-40 solar masses and solar metallicity. It is shown that the final fates of these stars, i.e., the formation of a neutron star or a black hole, are sensitive to the strength of convective shell burning. Based on the strength of convective shell burning, we proposed a promising two-parameter criterion to predict the explodability of the presupernovae.



辛文宇,现为北京师范大学天文系博士后,LAMOST 特聘青年研究员2019年在中国科学院近代物理研究所取得硕士学位。2022年在国家天文台取得博士学位(赵刚研究员与东京大学Kavli IPMU的Ken'ichi Nomoto教授共同指导)。目前正在从事第一代恒星以及第一代超新星相关的研究。2023年,受Springer出版社邀请,与Nomoto教授共同完成《Handbook of Nuclear Physics》一书中,章节“Stellar Evolution and Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties”的撰写。






