Formation of super-Earth and evolution of sub-stellar objects after engulfment by their post main sequence hosts

报告题目:  Formation of super-Earth and evolution of sub-stellar objects after engulfment by their post main sequence hosts

报告人:   贾石 博士

报告人单位: 澳门科技大学

报告语言:  中文

报告时间:  2023年5月23日(星期二) 上午10:00 - 11:00

报告地点:  1号楼427会议室



  I will give a brief overview of the current theoretical understanding of exoplanet formation and evolution.  The models we constructed to explore the formation and evolution of exoplanets will be reported. I will present our results for the formation of super-Earths with taking into account several mechanisms (e.g., Ohmic dissipation, tidally forced turbulence).  Finally, I will introduce our recent work related to the survivability of low mass (sub-stellar) objects engulfed by post main sequence stars.






邀请方联系人陈海亮 18468013706

