

学历: 博士研究生
地址: 云南省昆明市官渡区羊方旺396号

侯贤,女,中国科学院云南天文台研究员,2014年获得法国波尔多大学天体物理专业博士学位,同年以“优秀人才B类”入职云南天文台。2015至2019年期间,曾先后在台湾新竹清华大学和香港大学做访问学者。主要从事高能天体物理方面的研究,研究成果涉及脉冲星、黑洞、星系和暗物质等天体物理前沿的重要问题,是Fermi-LAT ,Insight-HXMT ,LHAASO ,Einstein Prob ,eXTP ,HERD等国内外天文设备的科学组成员,Fermi-FAST脉冲星合作团队核心成员。2018年入选中国科学院“西部青年学者”A类,2020年获美国天文学会和英国物理学会联合授予的高引用作者奖(中国)。





先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、联合基金和面上项目,参与国家基金专项项目、面上项目、国际(地区)合作与交流项目各1项,参与重点研发计划项目1项 。


(1) X. Hou, W. Zhang, P. C. C. Freire, et al. Characterizing the Gamma-Ray Emission Properties of the Globular Cluster M5 with the Fermi-LAT, ApJ, 2024, 964, 118

(2) X. Hou, W. Zhang, D. F. Torres, et al., Deep Search for Gamma-Ray Emission from the Accreting X-Ray Pulsar 1A 0535+262, ApJ, 2023, 944, 57 

(3) X. Hou, M. Y. Ge, L. Ji, et al., Fan-beamed X-Ray Emission from 1 to above 130 keV from the Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar RX J0209.6-7427 in the Small Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 2022, 938, 149 

(4) X. Hou, Y. You, L. Ji, et al., Monte Carlo Simulations on Possible Collimation Effects of Outflows to Fan Beam Emission of Ultraluminous Accreting X-Ray Pulsars, ApJ, 2022, 941, 126 

(5) M. Di Mauro, X. Hou, C. Eckner, et al., Search for gamma-ray emission from dark matter particle interactions from the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies with the Fermi Large Area Telescope, PRD, 2019, 99, 123027 

(6) C. Eckner, X. Hou, D. S. Pasquale, et al., Millisecond Pulsar Origin of the Galactic Center Excess and Extended Gamma-Ray Emission from Andromeda: A Closer Look, ApJ, 2018, 862, 79 

(7) Xian Hou, Zhaoyi Xu, Ming Zhou, Jiancheng Wang, Black hole shadow of Sgr A* in dark matter halo, JCAP, 2018, 2018(7), 15 

(8) Xian Hou, Zhaoyi Xu, Jiancheng Wang, Rotating black hole shadow in perfect fluid dark matter, JCAP, 2018, 2018(12), 40 

(9) Fermi-LAT Collaboration, Observations of M31 and M33 with the Fermi Large Area Telescope: A Galactic Center Excess in Andromeda? ApJ, 2017, 836, 208A, 

(10) X. Hou, D. A. Smith, L. Guillemot, et al., Six Faint Gamma-ray Pulsars Seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope: Towards a Sample Blending into the Background, A&A, 2014, 570, A44